U Beogradu otvoreni Dani Ermitaža u Srbiji

U Beogradu otvoreni Dani Ermitaža u Srbiji

Tu manifefestaciju, koja se prvi put organizuje u Srbiji, otvorila je ministarka kulture Maja Gojković, naglasivši značaj razvoja međunarodne saradnje, saopštio je njen kabinet.”Publici će biti predstavljene tri stožerne tačke ruske kulture: nasleđe Ermitaža, jednog od najznačajnijih svetskih muzeja, balet i klasična muzika”, kazala je ona. BETAPHOTO/Ministarstvo kulture/GORAN ZLATKOVIC Prema njenim rečima, saradnja Srbije i

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AI-generated child sexual abuse images could flood the internet. A watchdog is calling for action | AP News

AI-generated child sexual abuse images could flood the internet. A watchdog is calling for action | AP News

NEW YORK (AP) — The already-alarming proliferation of child sexual abuse images on the internet could become much worse if something is not done to put controls on artificial intelligence tools that generate deepfake photos, a watchdog agency warned on Tuesday. In a written report, The U.K.-based Internet Watch Foundation urges governments and technology providers

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Miščević: 2030. nije obećanje za proširenje EU nego postavljen cilj

Miščević: 2030. nije obećanje za proširenje EU nego postavljen cilj

Predsednik Evropskog saveta Šarl Mišel izjavio je ranije na otvaranju Bledskog strateškog foruma da Evropska unija treba da bude spremna da prihvati nove članice do 2030. godine. “Mi smo to razumeli kao metu, kao potencijal, kao kapacitet, kao cilj, ne kao obećanje. Volela bih da možete da razumete kako teško može biti da konstantno pregovarate bez krajnjeg datuma”

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Bodies of 17 recovered after Bangladesh train crash that may have been due to disregarded red light | AP News

Bodies of 17 recovered after Bangladesh train crash that may have been due to disregarded red light | AP News

DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) — The bodies of at least 17 people were recovered from a train crash outside the Bangladesh capital that may have occurred after one of the trains disregarded a red signal, officials said Tuesday.The rescue operation was halted early in the morning a day after rescuers and residents together extracted passengers from

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AP PHOTOS: Thousands attend a bullfighting competition in Kenya despite the risk of being gored | AP News

AP PHOTOS: Thousands attend a bullfighting competition in Kenya despite the risk of being gored | AP News

KAKAMEGA, Kenya (AP) — Thousands of people braved the rain and cold to attend an annual bullfighting competition in western Kenya over the weekend, some of them sitting in trees or on hilltops to witness an event that has become a tourist attraction.Bullfighting in western Kenya goes back decades and features two prized bulls fighting

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