Guatemala’s attorney general asks authorities to act against pro-democracy protests | AP News

Guatemala’s attorney general asks authorities to act against pro-democracy protests | AP News

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Guatemala’s attorney general on Monday called for the government to act against largely peaceful protesters, who have taken to the streets for weeks demanding her resignation for what they say are clear attempts to undermine their nation’s democracy.Protests broke out in Guatemala two weeks ago following one of the most tumultuous

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Pakistan ‘extremely disappointed’ over Cricket World Cup visa delay by India for media and fans | AP News

Pakistan ‘extremely disappointed’ over Cricket World Cup visa delay by India for media and fans | AP News

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The Pakistan Cricket Board has expressed “extreme disappointment” about a delay in the issuing of Indian visas to its country’s journalists and fans for the World Cup.The chairman of the PCB management committee, Zaka Ashraf, met with Pakistan foreign secretary Syrus Sajjad Qazi on Monday and asked him to take up the

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An independent inquiry opens into the alleged unlawful killings by UK special forces in Afghanistan | AP News

An independent inquiry opens into the alleged unlawful killings by UK special forces in Afghanistan | AP News

LONDON (AP) — An independent inquiry opened Monday to examine claims that British special forces murdered dozens of Afghan men during counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan a decade ago, as well as allegations that authorities subsequently covered up the alleged illegal activity or failed to investigate it properly.The inquiry, which opened at the Royal Courts of

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Deal struck on contentious road in divided Cyprus that triggered an assault against UN peacekeepers | AP News

Deal struck on contentious road in divided Cyprus that triggered an assault against UN peacekeepers | AP News

NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — The head of the U.N. peacekeeping mission in ethnically split Cyprus said Monday that Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots have reached an “understanding” over a contentious road inside a U.N.-controlled buffer zone whose construction had stirred up tensions not seen in years.U.N. envoy Colin Stewart said a “few modalities” were still

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EU Commission suspends ‘all payments immediately’ to the Palestinians following the Hamas attack | AP News

EU Commission suspends ‘all payments immediately’ to the Palestinians following the Hamas attack | AP News

BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi said Monday the bloc is suspending “all payments immediately” to the Palestinians because of what he called the “scale of terror and brutality” during the attacks of Hamas against Israel.The surprise announcement by Varhelyi came just hours after EU officials stressed that no EU money whatsoever was

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Dveri i Zavetnici u razgovorima sa drugim organizacijama slične orijentacije oko ujedinjenja

Dveri i Zavetnici u razgovorima sa drugim organizacijama slične orijentacije oko ujedinjenja

Politika | 09.10.2023 | access_time 15:10 Na konferenciji za novinare pokreta Dveri i stranke Zavetnici u okviru “Velikog nacionalnog okupljanja” rečeno je da su u toku razgovori sa drugim strankama slične orijentacije oko daljeg širenja i ujedinjenja, što bi označilo pobedu na sledećim izborima.Lider Dveri Boško Obradović ocenio je da to ujedinjenje predstavlja alternativu ne

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Osmani se zahvalila admiralu Munšu na kontinuiranoj podršci NATO Kosovu

Osmani se zahvalila admiralu Munšu na kontinuiranoj podršci NATO Kosovu

Kosovo | 09.10.2023 | access_time 14:40 Foto: Beta/ARMENIJA ZAJMI BESEVIC Predsednica Kosova Vjosa Osmani se tokom sastanka sa komandantom Komande združenih snaga NATO, admiralom Stjuartom B. Munšom zahvlila na kontinuiranoj podršci alijanse u održavanju stabilnosti i mira na Kosovu i regionu.Osmani je istakla potrebu preduzimanja konkretnih mera protiv Srbije nakon “čina agresije i terorističkog napada

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Obradović (Dveri): Za pobedu je potreban zbir opozicionih stranaka

Obradović (Dveri): Za pobedu je potreban zbir opozicionih stranaka

Politika | 09.10.2023 | access_time 14:35 Predsednik Dveri Boško Obradović rekao je danas da je potreban “zbir opozicionih stranaka” na predstojećim izborima kako bi se pobedila Srpska napredna stranka (SNS).Obradović je na konferenciji za novinare u Čačku izjavio da u tom gradu postoje pregovori sa predstavnicima opozicije.”Mi veoma ozbiljno razgovaramo sa našim kolegama iz opozicije.

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