UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman wows some Conservatives and alarms others with hardline stance | AP News

UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman wows some Conservatives and alarms others with hardline stance | AP News

MANCHESTER, England (AP) — Britain’s Home Secretary Suella Braverman railed against unauthorized migrants, human-rights laws and “woke” critics of her hardline policies Tuesday as she tried to secure her place as the flag-bearer of the Conservative Party’s law-and-order right wing.In her keynote speech to the governing party’s annual conference, Braverman called migration a “hurricane” that

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Plans to accommodate transgender swimmers at a World Cup meet scrapped because of lack of entries | AP News

Plans to accommodate transgender swimmers at a World Cup meet scrapped because of lack of entries | AP News

BERLIN (AP) — Plans for the first “open category” swimming races to accommodate transgender competitors at a World Cup this weekend have been scrapped because of a lack of entries.World Aquatics said Tuesday it had received “no entries” for the open category events scheduled to take place at a World Cup starting Friday in Berlin.Swimming’s

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EU announces plans to better protect its sensitive technologies from foreign snooping | AP News

EU announces plans to better protect its sensitive technologies from foreign snooping | AP News

BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union announced plans on Tuesday to better protect its cutting-edge technologies from foreign snooping that might threaten its economy and security in the wake of repeated warnings that the bloc needs to “de-risk” its relations with China. “Technology is currently at the heart of geopolitical competition and the EU wants

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Savet bezbednosti UN 18. oktobra razmatra izveštaj o radu Unmika

Savet bezbednosti UN 18. oktobra razmatra izveštaj o radu Unmika

Savet bezbednosti (SB) Ujedinjenih nacija će razmatarati novi šestomesečni izveštaj generalnog sekretara Antonija Gutereša o radu UN Misije na Kosovu (Unmik) 18. oktobra, objavljeno je u planu rada SB.Predsedavajući SB u oktobru Brazil objavio je na sajtu da će izveštaj o radu Unmika biti razmatran pre podne 18. oktobra (popodne po srednjoevropskom vremenu).Prethodna sednica posvećena

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Ponoš: Spremni za sve modalitete saradnje opozicije

Ponoš: Spremni za sve modalitete saradnje opozicije

Politika | 03.10.2023 | access_time 08:55 Predsednik stranke Srbija Centar (SRCE) Zdravko Ponoš je kazao da je ta stranka spemna za “sve modalitete saradnje opozicije” na predstojećim izborima.”Stranka SRCE je spemna za sve modalitete saradnje opozicije kako bi se na tim izborima povećala izlaznost i pobedio režim”, kazao je on za televizije Nova S, prenela

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Održan skup ‘Mi menjamo dan za noć, plato je naš’, inspiracija u protestima iz devedestih godina

Održan skup ‘Mi menjamo dan za noć, plato je naš’, inspiracija u protestima iz devedestih godina

Studentkinja Filozofskog fakulteta, u Nišu, Anđelija Stanimirović je rekla da je “protest naša studentska i moralna obaveza i da svi moramo biti svesni da teorijska znanja nije moguće primeniti u društvu kakvo je naše”.Kako je navela, “ovde se okupljamo jer su se tu okupljale i prethodne generacije studenata kada su želele da se izbore za

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Nobels season resumes with Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarding the prize in physics | AP News

Nobels season resumes with Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarding the prize in physics | AP News

STOCKHOLM (AP) — Nobels season is resuming on Tuesday with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm awarding the prize in physics.The physics prize comes a day after Hungarian-American Katalin Karikó and American Drew Weissman won the Nobel Prize in medicine for discoveries that enabled the creation of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.Last year, three

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