Krkobabić: Protesti protiv iskopavanja litijuma poput presude bez suđenja

Krkobabić: Protesti protiv iskopavanja litijuma poput presude bez suđenja

Politika | Izvor: Beta | 09.08.2024 | access_time 17:20 Potpredsednik Partije ujedinjenih penzionera, poljoprivrednika i proletera Srbije (PUPS) Stefan Krkobabić ocenio je danas da su protesti koji se u Srbiji održavaju protiv iskopavanja litijuma “poput presude bez suđenja”. “Zamislite da u pravosuđu neko izrekne presudu za zločin bez suđenja i bez ikakvih dokaza. Upravo tako

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The UN is moving to fight cybercrime but privacy groups say human rights will be violated

The UN is moving to fight cybercrime but privacy groups say human rights will be violated

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — A global deal on the criminal use of computer technology is moving ahead despite worries it will let governments around the world violate human rights by probing electronic communications and bypassing privacy safeguards. Nearly 200 nations approved the United Nations Convention against Cybercrime on Thursday afternoon at a special committee meeting

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Noah Lyles decided to race with COVID-19. The USOPC’s CEO is ‘100% comfortable’ with that decision

Noah Lyles decided to race with COVID-19. The USOPC’s CEO is ‘100% comfortable’ with that decision

Follow along for the latest updates from today’s Olympic action. PARIS (AP) — The head of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee said she was “100% comfortable” with Noah Lyles’ decision to compete in the 200 meters after testing positive for COVID-19 two days before the event. Lyles didn’t publicly reveal he’d tested positive for

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Dizel i benzin u Srbiji pojeftinili za po tri dinara

Dizel i benzin u Srbiji pojeftinili za po tri dinara

Ekonomija | 09.08.2024 | access_time 12:30 Foto: Beta/Dragan Gojić Dizel i benzin u Srbiji biće jeftini za po tri dinara od danas u 15 časova u narednih sedam dana, objavilo je Ministarstvo trgovine. Llitar evrodizela će koštati maksimalno 198 dinara za litar, a cena benzina evropremijum BMB biće 187 dinara za litar. Cena evrodizela je

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