Hun Sen is the longest serving leader in Asia. He’s purged critics and is set to win Cambodian polls | AP News

Hun Sen is the longest serving leader in Asia. He’s purged critics and is set to win Cambodian polls | AP News

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) — Cambodians go to the polls Sunday with incumbent Prime Minister Hun Sen and his party all but assured a landslide victory thanks to the effective suppression and intimidation of any real opposition that critics say has made a farce of democracy in the Southeast Asian nation. The longest-serving leader in

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Završen 12. protest ‘Srbija protiv nasilja’: Umesto da nas štiti, država nas proganja

Završen 12. protest ‘Srbija protiv nasilja’: Umesto da nas štiti, država nas proganja

Politika | 22.07.2023 | access_time 20:45 Novinarka i spisateljica Biljana Lukić izjavila je večeras na protestu “Srbija protiv nasilja” da “živimo u zemlji u kojoj umesto da nas država štiti, mi moramo da se branimo od države” i u kojoj “režim proganja najbolje policajce, tužioce, sudije, umetnike i profesore, a promoviše ništake, dilere drogom, ubice

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Hundreds of thousands march in Israel. Former security chiefs beg Netanyahu to halt legal overhaul | AP News

Hundreds of thousands march in Israel. Former security chiefs beg Netanyahu to halt legal overhaul | AP News

JERUSALEM (AP) — Tens of thousands of protesters marched into Jerusalem on Saturday evening and hundreds of thousands of Israelis took to the streets in Tel Aviv and other cities in a last-ditch show of force aimed at blocking Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s contentious judicial overhaul. Also Saturday, more than 100 of Israel’s former security

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Jerinić: Odluke Skupštine Srbije može da ukine ili sama skupština, ili Ustavni sud

Jerinić: Odluke Skupštine Srbije može da ukine ili sama skupština, ili Ustavni sud

Politika | 22.07.2023 | access_time 15:40 BETAPHOTO/MEDIJA CENTAR BEOGRAD/MO Narodna poslanica Zeleno levog fronta Jelena Jerinić izjavila je za agenciju Beta da odluke Skupštine Srbije može da ukine ili sama skupština stavljanjem na dnevni red i izglasavanjem većinom glasova ili Ustavni sud ako nađe da je odluka nezakonita ili neustavna.U slučaju ukidanja Anketnog odbora koji

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A wildfire is raging out of control on the Greek island of Rhodes, forcing tourist evacuations | AP News

A wildfire is raging out of control on the Greek island of Rhodes, forcing tourist evacuations | AP News

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A large blaze burning on the Greek island of Rhodes for the fifth day has forced authorities to order an evacuation of four locations, including two seaside resorts.In previous days, the wildfire was confined to the island’s mountainous center, but aided by winds, very high temperatures and dry conditions, it spread

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Nagrada publike na Paliću, filmu Stari hrast Kena Louča

Nagrada publike na Paliću, filmu Stari hrast Kena Louča

Kultura | Izvor: Beta | 22.07.2023 | access_time 12:25 Nagrada publike ovogodišnjeg 30. Festivala evropskog filma Palić “Gorki list” dodeljena je filmu “Stari hrast”, reditelja Kena Louča (Loach) koji je prikazan van konkurencije u okviru glavnog takmičarskog programa.Kako je saopšteno, “Stari hrast” je film o budućnosti poslednjeg preostalog paba u selu na severoistoku Engleske, gde

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Jeremić: Između mene i Aleksića nema ličnog sukoba

Jeremić: Između mene i Aleksića nema ličnog sukoba

Politika | 22.07.2023 | access_time 14:35 Predsednik Narodne stranke Vuk Jeremić izjavio je danas da između njega i potpredsednika te stranka Miroslava Aleksića nema ličnog sukoba kao i da su oni “bili dobar tim”.Jeremić je na televiziji Prva kazao da je Aleksiću ponudio da ostane potpredsednik ako (Jeremić) bude izabran za predsednika stranke na stranačkoj

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