Knights of Columbus covers shrine’s mosaics by ex-Jesuit artist accused of abusing women

Knights of Columbus covers shrine’s mosaics by ex-Jesuit artist accused of abusing women

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Knights of Columbus, the world’s largest Catholic fraternal group, has covered up defining features of the mosaics in its Washington D.C. shrine after the famous ex-Jesuit artist who designed them was accused of abusing women. The influential Catholic charitable organization announced earlier this month that it was covering the works as

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Poslanici objedinjeno o 60 tačaka, od deklaracije svesrpskog sabora do izbora guvernera

Poslanici objedinjeno o 60 tačaka, od deklaracije svesrpskog sabora do izbora guvernera

Politika | 23.07.2024 | access_time 13:40 Foto: Beta/Milan Ilic Narodni poslanici odlučili su da o svih 60 tačaka dnevnog reda raspravljaju objedinjeno. To znači da poslanici imaju ukupno pet sati za raspravu, i još toliko o amandmanima. Na dnevnom redu je deklaracija o zajedničkoj budućnosti srpskog naroda, više finansijskih zakona, izbor novog guvernera Narodne banke

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Mediji: Američki patrolni čamci za crnogorsku Mornaricu

Mediji: Američki patrolni čamci za crnogorsku Mornaricu

Politika | Izvor: Beta | 23.07.2024 | access_time 13:20 Pentagon je donirao Mornarici Vojske Crne Gore (VCG) četiri brza patrolna čamca CRFB u okviru paketa vrednog nešto više od 12 miliona dolara, koji obuhvata i prikolice za prevoz, sredstva veze, uređaje satelitskog navigacionog sistema, rezervne delove i obuku. Kako je objavio portal Balkanska bezbednosna mreža

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Na današnji dan 23. jul

Na današnji dan 23. jul

Dogodilo se | 23.07.2024 | access_time 09:05 1914 – Austro-Ugarska je uputila ultimatum Srbiji da sprovede istragu povodom atentata na prestolonaslednika Franca Ferdinanda 28. juna u Sarajevu, zahtevajući da u istrazi učestvuju i austrougarski policajci. Srbija je odbila zahtev, smatrajući da je to zadiranje u suverenitet države. Austro-Ugarska je 28. jula objavila rat Srbiji. 1757

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German government, mainstream opposition move to protect highest court against extremist forces

German government, mainstream opposition move to protect highest court against extremist forces

BERLIN (AP) — Germany’s governing coalition and the conservative opposition on Tuesday presented a plan to protect the country’s highest court against possible future manipulation or obstruction by extremist or authoritarian politicians. Justice Minister Marco Buschmann cited experiences in Poland, Hungary and Israel as illustrating the need to bolster the Federal Constitutional Court. Germany’s own

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Safeguarding the heartbeat: Native Americans in Upper Midwest protect their drumming tradition

Safeguarding the heartbeat: Native Americans in Upper Midwest protect their drumming tradition

HINCKLEY, Minn. (AP) — At summertime social powwows and spiritual ceremonies throughout the Upper Midwest, Native Americans are gathering around singers seated at big, resonant drums to dance, celebrate and connect with their ancestral culture. “I grew up singing my entire life, and I was always taught that dewe’igan is the heartbeat of our people,”

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