Nenadić: Vlada otvoreno podržava projekat ‘Jadar’, kako će onda nepristrasno odlučiti

Nenadić: Vlada otvoreno podržava projekat ‘Jadar’, kako će onda nepristrasno odlučiti

Politika | 12.09.2024 | access_time 08:45 Foto: Vlada Srbije/Slobodan Miljevic Direktor organizacije “Transparentnost Srbija” Nemanja Nenadić izjavio je da je Vlada Srbije “veoma transparentna u svojoj podršci projektu ‘Jadar’ što dovodi u pitanje njenu nepristrasnost kada se budu donosile odluke hoće li projekat biti realizovan ili ne”. On je u intervjuu za novi broj nedeljnika

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Pope marvels at Singapore’s skyscrapers and asks that the lowest migrant workers not be forgotten

Pope marvels at Singapore’s skyscrapers and asks that the lowest migrant workers not be forgotten

SINGAPORE (AP) — Pope Francis on Thursday praised Singapore’s economic strength as a testament to human ingenuity but urged the city-state to look after the weakest, too, especially foreign workers, as he opened the final leg of his tour through some of Asia’s poorest countries in one of the world’s richest. Singapore celebrated his arrival

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