Vučić sa Lajčakom u Beogradu o Kosovu

Vučić sa Lajčakom u Beogradu o Kosovu

Politika | 10.09.2024 | access_time 11:25 Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić sastao se danas sa specijalnim predstavnikom Evropske unije (EU) za Zapadni Balkan Miroslavom Lajčakom. Vučić i specijalni predstavnik EU za dijalog Beograda i Prištine i druga regionalna pitanja Zapadnog Balkana sastali su se u zgradi Generalnog sekretarijata predsednika Republike, prenosi RTS. Posle razgovora nije predviđeno

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US seeks new pedestrian safety rules aimed at increasingly massive SUVs and pickup trucks

US seeks new pedestrian safety rules aimed at increasingly massive SUVs and pickup trucks

DETROIT (AP) — The U.S. government’s road safety agency wants the auto industry to design new vehicles including increasingly large SUVs and pickup trucks so they reduce pedestrian deaths and injuries. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said Monday that for the first time it’s proposing a new rule setting testing and performance requirements to

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