France sends the army to ensure water to drought-stricken Indian Ocean island of Mayotte | AP News

France sends the army to ensure water to drought-stricken Indian Ocean island of Mayotte | AP News

PARIS (AP) — France is sending military forces to distribute water on the French Indian Ocean territory of Mayotte, which is facing an unprecedented water crisis prompted by the island cluster’s most severe drought in decades.Troops with the French Foreign Legion and French navy based in the region will work with local authorities to ensure

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UK police pay damages and express regret to protesters arrested at London vigil for murdered woman | AP News

UK police pay damages and express regret to protesters arrested at London vigil for murdered woman | AP News

LONDON (AP) — British police have paid damages to two protesters who were arrested while attending a vigil for a woman murdered by a serving police officer. Thursday’s announcement comes as the London force tries to rebuild trust after a series of incidents that exposed racism and sexism within its ranks.Patsy Stevenson and Dania Al-Obeid

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