World (AP)

Heavily armed Haitian police surround University Hospital before Prime Minister’s visit | AP News

Heavily armed Haitian police surround University Hospital before Prime Minister’s visit | AP News

Heavily armed Haitian police patrolled the area around the University hospital in Port-au-Prince on Tuesday ahead of a visit by Prime Minister Gary Conille. The walls of the hospital and surrounding buildings are riddled with bullet holes, a telltale of the violence and several shootouts that took place in downtown Port-au-Prince, less than a block away from the National Palace. (AP video shot by Pierre Luxama)

Heavily armed Haitian police patrolled the area around the University hospital in Port-au-Prince on Tuesday ahead of a visit by Prime Minister Gary Conille. The walls of the hospital and surrounding buildings are riddled with bullet holes, a telltale of the violence and several shootouts that took place in downtown Port-au-Prince, less than a block away from the National Palace. (AP video shot by Pierre Luxama)