Ada Divine Awakening i ove godine od 13. do 18. septembra na Adi Bojani

Ada Divine Awakening i ove godine od 13. do 18. septembra na Adi Bojani

Muzika | 26.07.2024 | access_time 15:55 Jedinstveni međunarodni festivalski retreat Ada Divine Awakening i ove godine od 13. do 18. septembra na čarobnoj Adi Bojani okupiće renomirane svetske predavače iz oblasti ličnog razvoja, partnerskih i porodičnih odnosa i širenja svesnosti, kao i neke od vodećih umetnika svesne muzike i world music žanra. Do sada je

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Damages to college athletes to range from a few dollars to more than a million under settlement

Damages to college athletes to range from a few dollars to more than a million under settlement

Thousands of former college athletes will be eligible for payments ranging from a few dollars to more than a million under the $2.78 billion antitrust settlement agreed to by the NCAA and five power conferences, a deal that also paves the way for schools to directly compensate athletes while attempting regulate payments from boosters. Details

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In President Milei’s sit-down with Macron, Argentina says the leaders get past soccer chant fallout

In President Milei’s sit-down with Macron, Argentina says the leaders get past soccer chant fallout

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Argentine President Javier Milei and French President Emmanuel Macron met Friday in Paris where they appeared to put aside recent controversy stemming from their countries’ fierce soccer rivalry. The meeting comes after a video clip spread online showing the Argentine national soccer team’s post-match racist chants, prompting backlash from French

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Vučić najavio da će Makron u narednih 50 dana posetiti Srbiju

Vučić najavio da će Makron u narednih 50 dana posetiti Srbiju

Politika | 26.07.2024 | access_time 11:45 Foto: PREDSEDNISTVO SRBIJE/DIMITRIJE GOLL Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić najavio je da će francuski predsednik Emanuel Makron posetiti Srbiju u narednih 50 dana. “Danas ću imati kratak susret sa Makronom i očekujem u narednih 50 dana njegovu posetu i verujem da možemo dogovoriti važne sporazume”, objavio je Vučić iz Pariza

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Harris will carry Biden’s economic record into the election. She hopes to turn it into an asset

Harris will carry Biden’s economic record into the election. She hopes to turn it into an asset

WASHINGTON (AP) — A key question is looming for Vice President Kamala Harris as she edges closer to gaining the Democratic presidential nomination: Can she turn the Biden-Harris economic record into a political advantage in a way that President Joe Biden failed to do? In some ways, her task would seem straightforward: The administration oversaw

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Governor of Italy’s Liguria region resigns after being arrested for alleged corruption

Governor of Italy’s Liguria region resigns after being arrested for alleged corruption

ROME (AP) — The governor of Italy’s northern Liguria region resigned on Friday after being held under house arrest since May as part of a corruption investigation by local prosecutors. Giovanni Toti, a right-wing governor who is accused of providing political favors in exchange for election campaign funds, has denied any wrongdoing. In a hand-written

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Brnabić najavila parlamentarnu komisiju u vezi sa litijumom, pozvala opoziciju da učestvuje

Brnabić najavila parlamentarnu komisiju u vezi sa litijumom, pozvala opoziciju da učestvuje

Politika | 26.07.2024 | access_time 09:15 Foto: Beta/Milan Obradović Predsednica Skupštine Srbije Ana Brnabić najavila je danas formiranje parlamentarne komisije u vezi sa litijumom i pozvala opoziciciju da učestvuje u njenom radu. Ona je za RTS kazala da će raditi i na organizovanju posete parlamentarne delegacije Nemačkoj i Finskoj kako bi tamo videli sve aktivnosti

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