India’s moon rover confirms sulfur and detects several other elements near the lunar south pole | AP News

India’s moon rover confirms sulfur and detects several other elements near the lunar south pole | AP News

NEW DELHI (AP) — India’s moon rover confirmed the presence of sulfur and detected several other elements near the lunar south pole as it searches for signs of frozen water nearly a week after its historic moon landing, India’s space agency said Tuesday.The rover’s laser-induced spectroscope instrument also detected aluminum, iron, calcium, chromium, titanium, manganese

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US given OK to enforce maritime law around Palau as Washington vies with China for Pacific influence | AP News

US given OK to enforce maritime law around Palau as Washington vies with China for Pacific influence | AP News

BANGKOK (AP) — The United States has signed a new agreement with Palau, which gives American ships the authorization to unilaterally enforce maritime regulations in the tiny Pacific island nation’s exclusive economic zone, the U.S. Coast Guard said Tuesday.The agreement comes as both the U.S. and China are seeking to expand their influence in the

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Guatemala’s president-elect faces legal challenges that seek to weaken him. Here’s what’s happening | AP News

Guatemala’s president-elect faces legal challenges that seek to weaken him. Here’s what’s happening | AP News

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Guatemala’s Aug. 20 presidential election has been bogged down in court and legal challenges despite the fact the results were clear: Progressive candidate Bernardo Arévalo won about 61% of the vote to conservative Sandra Torres’ 39%. After weeks of uncertainty, the top electoral court finally certified Arévalo as the winner Monday.

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Evropski put-Basta: Srbija pripada zapadnom svetu, a na izborima 2024. glasamo za Srbiju u EU

Evropski put-Basta: Srbija pripada zapadnom svetu, a na izborima 2024. glasamo za Srbiju u EU

Politika | 29.08.2023 | access_time 15:55 Predsednik pokreta “Evropski put-Basta” Rade Basta objavio je danas spot u kome je uputio snažnu poruku o važnosti pobede evropske ideje na predstojećim izborima 2024. godine.On u spotu, koji je prosleđen redakcijama srpskih medija, kaže da “Srbija pripada zapadnom svetu i da na izborima 2024. godine glasamo za Srbiju

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Tokio osudio postupke Kine posle ispuštanja vode iz japanske nuklearne centrale Fukušima u more

Tokio osudio postupke Kine posle ispuštanja vode iz japanske nuklearne centrale Fukušima u more

Ministar spoljnih poslova Japana Jošimasa Hajaši osudio je danas postupke koji se pripisuju Kini nakon ispuštanja vode iz japanske nuklearne centrale Fukušima u more.Ti postupci su “zabrinjavajući”, rekao je Hajaši i pozivao kinesku vladu da “preduzme odgovarajuće mere i apeluje na svoje građane da deluju smireno i tako spreče pogoršanje situacije”.Ministar je potvrdio i da

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After Supreme Court curtails federal power, Biden administration weakens water protections | AP News

After Supreme Court curtails federal power, Biden administration weakens water protections | AP News

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration weakened regulations protecting millions of acres of wetlands Tuesday, saying it had no choice after the Supreme Court sharply limited the federal government’s jurisdiction over them. The rule would require that wetlands be more clearly connected to other waters like oceans and rivers, a policy shift that departs from

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Lajčak sutra u Beogradu sa Vučićem

Lajčak sutra u Beogradu sa Vučićem

Politika | Izvor: Beta | 29.08.2023 | access_time 12:50 Specijalni predstavnik EU za Zapadni Balkan Miroslav Lajčak boraviće sutra u Beogradu, gde će se sastati sa predsednikom Srbije Aleksandrom Vučićem, u sklopu priprema za predstojeći sastanak na visokom nivou u briselskom dijalogu.Vučićev kabinet nije saopštio šta će biti teme razgovora, posle kojeg nije predviđeno obraćanje

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