Selaković: Samit u Atini pokazuje da je ključni interes EU očuvanje stabilnosti i uticaja u regionu

Selaković: Samit u Atini pokazuje da je ključni interes EU očuvanje stabilnosti i uticaja u regionu

Politika | 22.08.2023 | access_time 12:50 Samit u Atini i deklaracija koju su usaglasili lideri sa Balkana, Ukrajine, Moldavije i Evropske unije, još jedna su poruka o važnosti regiona za Evropsku uniju u trenutnom globalno političkom kontekstu, kao i da Brisel nije digao ruke od Srbije, ocenila je danas koordinatorka Nacionalnog konventa o EU Bojana

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Tekst deklaracije iz Atine

Tekst deklaracije iz Atine

Politika | 22.08.2023 | access_time 12:15 Foto: Beta/European Commission/Christophe Licoppe Lideri sa Balkana, Evropske unije, Ukrajine i Moldavije su na neformalnoj večeri 21. avgusta u Atini usaglasili deklaraciju čiji tekst, objavljen na sajtu grčke vlade, prenosimo u celosti.Mi, predsednik Aleksandar Vučić, predsednica Maja Sandu, predsednik Volodimir Zelenski, predsednik Jakov Milatović, premijer Kirjakos Micotakis, premijer Jon-Marsel

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Odložen Sabor Srpskog nacionalnog veća u Gračanici

Odložen Sabor Srpskog nacionalnog veća u Gračanici

Organizacioni odbor Sabora Srpskog nacinalnog veća (SNV) Kosova i Metohije saopštioje danas da odlaže održavanje sabora koje je bilo zakazano za 20. i 22. avgust.Oni objašnjavaju da je do odlaganja sabora došlo zbog nemogućnosti da se obezbedi sala za održavanje.Iz SNV kažu da su uputili zvaničan zahtev Domu kulture u Gračanici za ustupanje velike sale

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Veliki požari i dalje po Grčkoj i kanarskom ostrvu Tenerifi

Veliki požari i dalje po Grčkoj i kanarskom ostrvu Tenerifi

Životna sredina | Izvor: Beta-AP | 21.08.2023 | access_time 17:25 Veliki požari pustoše danas po Grčkoj i na Tenerifima, najvećem kanarskom ostrvu nadomak afričke obale, a teritorijalno u sastavu Španije.Vruće, suvo i vetrovito vreme ometa napore stotina vatrogasaca koji se bore s požarima koji se danima ne stišavaju.Zvaničnici Evropske unije smatraju da su klimatske promene krive

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Want to tune in for the first GOP presidential debate? Here’s how to watch | AP News

Want to tune in for the first GOP presidential debate? Here’s how to watch | AP News

It’s almost time for the first debate among Republicans competing for their party’s 2024 presidential nomination.Here’s all of the information on how to watch:TUNING IN The two-hour debate will start at 9 p.m. ET on Wednesday. It’s being moderated by Fox News Channel hosts Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum. More on GOP debate coverage Trump’s

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Maui confronts the challenge of finding more than 800 missing people after the deadly wildfires | AP News

Maui confronts the challenge of finding more than 800 missing people after the deadly wildfires | AP News

LAHAINA, Hawaii (AP) — Two weeks after the deadliest U.S. wildfire in more than a century swept through the Maui community of Lahaina, authorities say more than 800 people remain unaccounted for — a staggering number that presents huge challenges for officials who are trying to determine how many of those perished and how many

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New Thai leader Srettha Thavisin is a wealthy property developer who didn’t hide his political views | AP News

New Thai leader Srettha Thavisin is a wealthy property developer who didn’t hide his political views | AP News

BANGKOK (AP) — The leader of one of Thailand’s best-known property empires has been selected prime minister just nine months after joining a political party that champions the poor.Parliament confirmed Srettha Thavisin on Tuesday, ending months of political uncertainty following May elections. The 61-year-old political newcomer, who exudes the confidence of a seasoned business tycoon

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Iran unveils armed drone resembling America’s MQ-9 Reaper and says it could potentially reach Israel | AP News

Iran unveils armed drone resembling America’s MQ-9 Reaper and says it could potentially reach Israel | AP News

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s Defense Ministry unveiled a drone on Tuesday resembling America’s armed MQ-9 Reaper, claiming that the aircraft is capable of staying airborne for 24 hours and has the range to reach the country’s archenemy Israel. Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency published a photograph of the drone, called the Mohajer-10, on display

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