Stručnjak za energetiku: EPS za generalnog direktora traži menadžera, umesto inženjera

Stručnjak za energetiku: EPS za generalnog direktora traži menadžera, umesto inženjera

Ekonomija | Izvor: Beta | 11.08.2023 | access_time 15:10 Stručnjak za energetiku Miloš Zdravković rekao je da je Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) u konkursu za generalnog direktora, koji je objavljen danas, težište stavila na menadžerske sposobnosti kandidata, umesto inženjersko znanje, bilo elektro ili mašinske struke, pa kompaniju opet vraćaju na nivo “nekih Grčića”.On je za Betu

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US government sanctions Russians on the board of Alfa Group in response to war in Ukraine | AP News

US government sanctions Russians on the board of Alfa Group in response to war in Ukraine | AP News

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Treasury Department on Friday imposed financial sanctions against four Russians on the board of Alfa Group, one of Russia’s largest conglomerates with interests in oil, natural gas and banking.The sanctions are part of continuing efforts to place restrictions on the economy of Russia and its wealthiest powerbrokers, a response to

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Attorney General Garland appoints a special counsel in the Hunter Biden probe | AP News

Attorney General Garland appoints a special counsel in the Hunter Biden probe | AP News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Friday he is appointing a special counsel in the Hunter Biden probe, deepening the investigation of the president’s son ahead of the 2024 election.Garland said he is naming David Weiss, the U.S. attorney in Delaware who has been probing the financial and business dealings of the president’s

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Ugovore o sufinansiranju projekata za regionalni razvoj dobile 23 lokalne samouprave

Ugovore o sufinansiranju projekata za regionalni razvoj dobile 23 lokalne samouprave

Predstavnici 23 lokalne samouprave u Srbiji dobili su danas ugovore o sufinansiranju projekata za izradu strateških dokumenata regionalnog razvoja, u vrednosti od 58,8 miliona dinara.Ugovore je gradonačelnicima i predsednicima opština u Vladi Srbije uručio ministar bez portfelja zadužen za ravnomerni regionalni razvoj Edin Đerlek.Đerlek je istakao je da je za Program podsticanja regionalnog rasta u Srbiji

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More evacuations considered in Norway where level in swollen rivers continues to rise | AP News

More evacuations considered in Norway where level in swollen rivers continues to rise | AP News

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — More evacuations were being considered Friday in southeastern Norway, where the level of water in swollen rivers and lakes continued to grow after days of torrential rain.Huge amounts of water, littered with broken trees, debris and trash, were thundering down the usually serene rivers. It flooded abandoned houses, left cars coated

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Veselinović: Nema šanse da se održe beogradski izbori jer Šapić na njih ne sme da izađe

Veselinović: Nema šanse da se održe beogradski izbori jer Šapić na njih ne sme da izađe

Politika | 10.08.2023 | access_time 21:45 Predsednik Zeleno-levog fronta Dobrica Veselinović ocenio je danas da nema šanse da beogradski izbori budu održani jer gradonačelnik Beograda Aleksandar Šapić ne sme na njih da izađe. On je gostujući na televiziji Nova S naveo da bi on, kao i veliki broj građana, želeo izbore, jer, kako kaže, “grad

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With hundreds lost in the migrant shipwreck near Greece, identifying the dead is painfully slow | AP News

With hundreds lost in the migrant shipwreck near Greece, identifying the dead is painfully slow | AP News

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Nearly two months after a dilapidated fishing trawler crammed with people heading from Libya to Italy sank in the central Mediterranean, killing hundreds, relatives are still frantically searching for their loved ones among the missing and the dead.Many questions remain about Greek authorities’ response and exactly how and why the boat

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