Bivši šef odborničke grupe SPS kandidat za gradonačelnika Valjeva pokreta Evropski put Basta

Bivši šef odborničke grupe SPS kandidat za gradonačelnika Valjeva pokreta Evropski put Basta

Bivši šef odborničke grupe Socijalističke partije Srbije (SPS) u Valjevu Đorđe Pavlović, biće kandidat za gradonačelnika Valjeva pokreta “Evropski put Basta”, saopšteno je iz tog pokreta.Kako je navedeno, Pavlović је bio zaposlen u Direkciji za izgradnju Kolubarskog okruga, potom direktor Vodovoda, a od 2016. do 2020. је obavljao dužnosti sekretara Skupštine grada Valjeva.Kako je navedeno, kао

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Ministar Milićević u manastiru Krupa kod Knina uručio 300 ćiriličnih bukvara za srpsku decu

Ministar Milićević u manastiru Krupa kod Knina uručio 300 ćiriličnih bukvara za srpsku decu

Politika | 28.08.2023 | access_time 23:20 Foto: Beta/SLOBODAN MILJEVIC Ministar bez portfelja zadužen za odnose sa dijasporom Đorđe Milićević danas je uručio 300 ćiriličnih bukvara namenjenih mališanima koji u Dalmaciji pohađaju nastavu u dopunskim srpskim školama i pravoslavnu veronauku u manastiru Krupa kod Knina.Kako je saopšteno iz Milićevićevog kabineta, “Ministar je tako ispunio obećanje koje

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Vesić: Srbija će na putevima imati najviše elektropunjača u regionu

Vesić: Srbija će na putevima imati najviše elektropunjača u regionu

Zelena Srbija | Izvor: Beta | 28.08.2023 | access_time 14:00 Ministar građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture Goran Vesić izjavio je danas da će Srbija na putevima imati najviše elektropunjača u regionu, jer je cilj da bude spremna za sve više električnih automobila.”Bićemo zemlja sa najviše elektropunjača u regionu. Moramo putnu infrastrukturu da prilagodimo vremenu koje dolazi Moramo da

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London’s plan to charge drivers of polluting cars sparks protests and stirs political passions | AP News

London’s plan to charge drivers of polluting cars sparks protests and stirs political passions | AP News

LONDON (AP) — London’s traffic cameras are under attack. Police say hundreds of license plate-reading cameras have been damaged, disconnected or stolen by opponents of an anti-pollution charge on older vehicles that comes into force across the metropolis on Tuesday.The vandalism by vigilantes calling themselves the Blade Runners shows that emotions are running high over

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Sudan’s military leader travels to Egypt in his first trip abroad since the war | AP News

Sudan’s military leader travels to Egypt in his first trip abroad since the war | AP News

CAIRO (AP) — Sudan’s top military officer is traveling to Egypt on Tuesday on his first trip abroad since the country plunged into a bitter conflict this year, authorities said.Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, chairman of the ruling Sovereign Council, was expected to hold talks with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi on the latest developments in Sudan

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Broker: Indeks najlikvidnijih akcija Beleks15 skočio 4,4 odsto zbog isplate dividendi

Broker: Indeks najlikvidnijih akcija Beleks15 skočio 4,4 odsto zbog isplate dividendi

Isplata dividendi Naftne industrije Srbije (NIS) i firme Impol Seval povećale su protekle nedelje promet na Beogradskoj berzi, a indeks najlikvidnijih akcija, Belex15, skočio 4,4 odsto, na 892 poena, saopštila je danas brokerska kuća Momentum Securities.Ukupan promet u trgovanju na berzi iznosio je 186,6 miliona dinara ili 1,6 miliona evra.Akcija NIS-a skočila je 2,1 odsto, na

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Joe the Plumber, who questioned Obama’s tax proposals during the 2008 campaign, has died at 49 | AP News

Joe the Plumber, who questioned Obama’s tax proposals during the 2008 campaign, has died at 49 | AP News

TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) — Samuel “Joe” Wurzelbacher, who was thrust into the political spotlight as “Joe the Plumber” after questioning Barack Obama about his economic proposals during the 2008 presidential campaign, and who later forayed into politics himself, has died, his son said Monday. He was 49.His oldest son, Joey Wurzelbacher, said his father died

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Neurosurgeon investigating patient’s mystery symptoms plucks a worm from woman’s brain in Australia | AP News

Neurosurgeon investigating patient’s mystery symptoms plucks a worm from woman’s brain in Australia | AP News

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — A neurosurgeon investigating a woman’s mystery symptoms in an Australian hospital says she plucked a wriggling worm from the patient’s brain.Surgeon Hari Priya Bandi was performing a biopsy through a hole in the 64-year-old patient’s skull at Canberra Hospital last year when she used forceps to pull out the parasite, which

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Syria protests spurred by economic misery stir memories of the 2011 anti-government uprising | AP News

Syria protests spurred by economic misery stir memories of the 2011 anti-government uprising | AP News

BEIRUT (AP) — Anti-government protests in southern Syria have entered their second week, with demonstrators waving the colorful flag of the minority Druze community, burning banners of President Bashar Assad and at one point raiding several offices of his ruling party. The protests were initially driven by surging inflation and the war-torn country’s spiraling economy

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