UEFA picks UK-Ireland to host soccer’s 2028 European Championship. Italy-Turkey to stage Euro 2032 | AP News

UEFA picks UK-Ireland to host soccer’s 2028 European Championship. Italy-Turkey to stage Euro 2032 | AP News

NYON, Switzerland (AP) — The future of soccer’s European Championship for the next decade was decided Tuesday — the United Kingdom and Ireland will host in 2028 and an unusual Italy-Turkey co-hosting plan was picked for 2032.There were no losers when the executive committee of European soccer governing body UEFA finally approved the double hosting

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Rakić Vodinelić: Predsednik države nije nadležan za ekstradiciju, Radoičić može da bude sproveden

Rakić Vodinelić: Predsednik države nije nadležan za ekstradiciju, Radoičić može da bude sproveden

Politika | 10.10.2023 | access_time 09:30 Predsednik države nije nadležan za ekstradiciju, to spada u posao suda i Ministarstva pravde, izjavila je danas profesorka prava Vesna Rakić Vodinelić, povodom izjave predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića da neće izručiti vlastima u Prištini bivšeg potpredsednika Srpske liste Milana Radoičića, koji je priznao da je učestvovao u oružanom napadu

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Labour Party leader Keir Starmer makes his pitch to UK voters with a speech vowing national renewal | AP News

Labour Party leader Keir Starmer makes his pitch to UK voters with a speech vowing national renewal | AP News

LIVERPOOL, England (AP) — U.K. Labour Party leader Keir Starmer delivers a speech on Tuesday that amounts to a public job interview for the post of prime minister. He’ll set out to answer the question in many voters’ minds: “Why Labour?”Starmer is addressing the opposition party’s annual conference, likely the last before a national election

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What is Hamas? The group that rules the Gaza Strip has fought several rounds of war with Israel | AP News

What is Hamas? The group that rules the Gaza Strip has fought several rounds of war with Israel | AP News

BEIRUT (AP) — Hamas, which has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007, launched an attack inside Israel over the weekend, killing hundreds and taking others hostage. Its unprecedented breach of the border sent fighters inside border communities and military installations, shocked Israel and its allies, and raised questions about the group’s capabilities and strategy. WHAT

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Jovanović u Strazburu: Kurtijev režim sprovodi kampanju etničkog čišćenja Srba sa Kosova i Metohije

Jovanović u Strazburu: Kurtijev režim sprovodi kampanju etničkog čišćenja Srba sa Kosova i Metohije

Politika | 09.10.2023 | access_time 18:10 Šef poslaničke grupe Narodne stranke (NS) Stefan Jovanović izjavio je danas na zasedanju Parlamentarne skupštine Saveta Evrope (PS SE) u Strazburu da “ekstremistički režim Aljbina Kurtija tiho sprovodi kampanju etničkog čišćenja Srba” sa Kosova i Metohije, namerno okrećući glavu od poziva međunarodne zajednice da smiri situaciju.”Egzodus 11 odsto Srba

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