At UN, North Korea says the US made 2023 more dangerous and accuses it of fomenting an Asian NATO | AP News

At UN, North Korea says the US made 2023 more dangerous and accuses it of fomenting an Asian NATO | AP News

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — North Korea accused the United States on Tuesday of making 2023 an “extremely dangerous year,” saying its actions are trying to provoke a nuclear war and denouncing both U.S. and South Korean leaders for “hysterical remarks of confrontation” that it says are raising the temperature in the region. Kim Song, North

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A Dominican immigration agent is accused of raping a Haitian woman who was detained at an airport | AP News

A Dominican immigration agent is accused of raping a Haitian woman who was detained at an airport | AP News

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) — An immigration agent in the Dominican Republic has been arrested after being accused of raping a Haitian woman in a detention cell at the country’s main international airport in the presence of her 4-year-old son, authorities said Tuesday.The unidentified agent was detained over the weekend, and prosecutor Milciades Guzmán

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Pakistan’s Imran Khan remains behind bars as cases pile up. Another court orders he stay in jail | AP News

Pakistan’s Imran Khan remains behind bars as cases pile up. Another court orders he stay in jail | AP News

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A Pakistani court on Tuesday ordered that former Prime Minister Imran Khan remain in custody for two more weeks as authorities investigate charges that he had revealed state secrets after his 2022 ouster. The development is the latest in an unprecedented pileup of legal cases against the country’s top opposition leader and

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SSP: Uz ucene i pretnje, SNS skuplja kapilarne glasove među zaposlenima u Beogradskim pijacama

SSP: Uz ucene i pretnje, SNS skuplja kapilarne glasove među zaposlenima u Beogradskim pijacama

Politika | 26.09.2023 | access_time 16:10 Stranka slobode i pravde (SSP) optužila je danas Srpsku naprednu stranku (SNS) da “uz ucene i pretnje” prikuplja kapilarne glasove među zakupcima tezgi i zaposlenima u JKP Beogradske pijace.Potpredsednica beogradskog Odbora SSP Ana Gođevac optužila je direktora Beogradskih pijaca Bojana Bajagića da se “bavi tim nedozvoljenim radnjama”.”Gradska preduzeća ne

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Nezadovoljni poljoprivrednici traže sastanak sa ministarkom Tanasković

Nezadovoljni poljoprivrednici traže sastanak sa ministarkom Tanasković

Ekonomija | 26.09.2023 | access_time 13:15 Poljoprivrednici sedam udruženja, koji su potpisali sporazum sa Vladom Srbije o ispunjenju zahteva koji se najvećim delom odnose na subvencije i regulisanje tržišta, zatražiće sastanak sa ministarkom poljoprivrede Jelenom Tanasković jer su nezadovoljni njihovim ispunjenjem, rekao je predsednik Saveza udruženja poljoprivrednika Banata Dragan Kleut.On je za Betu rekao da

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PKS: ESG standardi – novo poglavlje u društveno odgovornom poslovanju

PKS: ESG standardi – novo poglavlje u društveno odgovornom poslovanju

Zelena Srbija | Izvor: Beta | 26.09.2023 | access_time 15:40 Foto: PKS/Goran Zlatkovic Usvajanje i primena ESG standarda u kompanijama, koji se odnosi na uticaj koji imaju na životnu sredinu, društveno okruženje, kao i način upravlja, nameću se kao imperativ za održivo i društveno odgovorno poslovanje i upravljanje, kreiranje strategije dekarbonizacije, kao i primenu zelenih

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Exasperated residents flee Nagorno-Karabakh after Azerbaijan seizes control of breakaway region | AP News

Exasperated residents flee Nagorno-Karabakh after Azerbaijan seizes control of breakaway region | AP News

GORIS, Armenia (AP) — Ruzan Israyelyan and her children spent days walking through forests in Nagorno-Karabakh and hiding from Azerbaijani drones as they fled for Armenia following Azerbaijan’s blitz offensive to reclaim control of the breakaway region.A truck in the convoy of thousands of refugees carried the bodies of Israyelyan’s husband, brother and uncle for

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The UK’s hardline immigration chief says international rules make it too easy to seek asylum | AP News

The UK’s hardline immigration chief says international rules make it too easy to seek asylum | AP News

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s immigration minister argued Tuesday that international refugee rules must be rewritten to reduce the number of people entitled to protection, as the Conservative government seeks international support for its tough stance on unauthorized migration.Home Secretary Suella Braverman said people who faced discrimination for their gender or sexuality should not be granted

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